Welcome! I am a mom to two wonderful kids, a lovely retired greyhound, and a wife to a great husband. Needless to say, there are a lot of daily messes to clean up around our house. Daily Messes is my blog to share ideas on things to do with your kids, snack and meal ideas, crafts, and holiday fun. I hope you find something to enjoy!

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

At Home Activities: Staying In Contact

We are all going a little stir crazy not being able to see our friends and family. We've made some phone calls, dropped off baked goods with notes, and I finally let the boys download an app to chat/text with their friends while playing games online. Friends of ours dropped off a box of chocolates with handwritten notes as an Easter surprise. It totally made my day! (Thank you again, Megan!) Of course, it was all with the social distancing. We just dropped off at their door and then texted them it was on their porch. I cannot wait for the day where we can all get together!

We also have Skype and Zoom set up and have used it a couple of times to talk to family and friends so we don't forget each other's faces. We have primarily used it for work and some school meetings, but I think we should use it more often for personal interactions. (Maybe set up weekly times we talk to different family/friends?) It's nice to see everyone while we talk to them!

This morning, I remembered I had a few postcards left and thought it would be fun for the kids to send out notes to their friends that weren't on the chatting app.
I had a few Where's Waldo and animal postcards in my greeting card box. I only had a handful left though, so I bought a few more options from Amazon this morning so they could send out. Unfortunately, it looks like the Waldo cards are not being printed anymore. I loved those cards. They were fun to send out. I did find a coloring page, animal fun facts, and a blank option where the kids could design their own. I think I may try to print word finds, crosswords, and riddles on the front of some of the blank cards. I wanted to find postcards that were fun for kids to give and to get. If the postcard can distract the kids for a few minutes, then that is even better!

My kids love getting their own mail, so I'm hoping their friends will too. (Plus, on the learning side, they will learn how to write and address postcards! I may have them write letters too, might as well sneak some life skills learning in!)

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