Welcome! I am a mom to two wonderful kids, a lovely retired greyhound, and a wife to a great husband. Needless to say, there are a lot of daily messes to clean up around our house. Daily Messes is my blog to share ideas on things to do with your kids, snack and meal ideas, crafts, and holiday fun. I hope you find something to enjoy!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Food, Cheaper

Now that I buy for 2 adults, 2 kids, and a dog (on a single salary) the grocery bill has become more of an issue. To keep all the bills in check and be financially responsible, we have budgets for everything from gifts to groceries. It can sometimes be hard to stick to the budget, but I have a few tips:

  • Before you go to the grocery store, plan your meals for the week and make a list. This way you (probably) won't forget things and have to go back to the store. The list will also help keep you on track so you don't buy unnecessary things. Without my list, I usually come home with things I forgot I already had and didn't need more of. 
  • Look at the circulars (most are available online or in the Sunday paper). Plan your meals around what is on sale.
  • If you have two stores close to you, compare their circulars. Last week, I went to our normal grocery store for most of the items. However, the grocery store 2 blocks away had a super sale on some fruits and vegetables, so I went there as well. I was already driving past it on my way home and it saved me a few bucks (for $4.25 I bought a pineapple, a cantaloupe, a 3 lb bag of onions, and 2 stalks of celery).
  • Set a budget! This will also keep you more on track and not filling your cart with unneeded items. 
  • If there are items on sale that you use often, stock up. Take advantage of any 10 for 10, get the 11th free sales, but only if it's a good price! Buying things you use often, while they're on sale, will save you money later on. (For example, my kids love Goldfish. Our grocery store will sometimes put them in the 10 for $10 sale. If I buy them at the sale, I spend $1/bag now versus $2/bag later on.)
  • Only use coupons for items you normally use, or if the coupon makes the name brand item the same as the store brand. 
  • At Back To School time I stock up on crayons and paper. My youngest is currently in a crayon breaking stage and I hate paying $3 for a box of crayons that I can get for $0.30-$0.50 during school sales. 
When I first started, I was not used to making a list. I created one to help me stay on track. If you would like to use it to get your own started, feel free! There are some blank lines for more details or to add items not listed. (For example: Cheese: Cheddar, Parmesan.)

These are just some of the things that have helped me along the way. Feel free to use or to ignore them!

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